In the world that God, subhanahu wa ta’ala, created, there exists a diversity of creatures, each with its unique characteristics. After creating the world and populating it with various beings, including humans who have not been heard or seen by anyone except those who believe, God placed them here to test their existence. This world is also home to countless other creatures, including animals.
God is the ultimate expert, with no partner in His mastery over creation. He created humans and made it clear that there is no inherent difference among them except for the degree of their devotion to His worship. However, as humans strayed from this ideal, they began to measure differences between genders based on power, wealth, or natural beauty. They began to look up to those who possessed these qualities, elevating them to the highest echelons of society. It became a world where these attributes were seen as the gateway to ultimate happiness.
The same was true for a young man who was blessed with beauty, wealth, and knowledge by God. God tests His servants, especially those who believe, to gauge the strength of their faith in Him. The world presented this young man with every opportunity to stray from the righteous path, luring him with all the pleasures it could offer. It was a test to see if he would remain true to his faith.
The young man was dressed in a white attire that exuded elegance. He emitted a delightful fragrance that could soothe the hearts of those who caught a whiff of it. He was driving hastily, his eyes half-closed in weariness, with a friend named Ak sitting beside him, engrossed in his phone. They engaged in sporadic conversations, but long silences dominated their journey. Each was aware of the other’s presence, yet their thoughts were separate.
The car suddenly made an unusual noise, and the young man slammed the brakes, coming to a panicked stop when he saw an elderly man in front of him. He had hit the old man with his car and was visibly frustrated by the prospect of his time being wasted.