GIDAN DADI Complete Document
I’m back to the game my fans, I hope and I promise this book will give you maximum satisfaction, and you will never regret investing your money into the journey. As you know and I know, it’s Umm Afnaan Dai, that unanimous writer that has published more and more books that make you rejoice such as “Akan Dadiro Na”, “Hariji”, “Auren Sha’awa”, “Jarababben Namiji”, and on and on. So, I’m here again. I don’t know if you can endure my laziness, but the only thing I know is I’m prepared to make your days. So please, matured head! Matured head!! If you really like humble stories, go for Bariki Gado nah, but this book is actually hot. Many women will be thrilled to read it. I will be studying my nursing program. Allow me to enjoy the moment and sip a drink for a while….lolz.
Bismillahir rahmanir rahim.
Description of GIDAN DADI
This novel is not free, it is a paid work of fiction that is available for purchase online through the author Nafisat Ma’aruf Shehu at a fixed price of 500 Naira.
Wace Ce Ita (Who Is She) Chapter 53 Complete Novel
SHAHAAB Document Info
Name | GIDAN DADI Complete Document |
Author | Oum Aphnan |
Association | None |
Part | Part 1 |
File type | txt/text plain |
File Size | 128.6+ KB |
Category | Love Novels |
Words | 23k+ |
Reading Time | 1hr+ |
Author Contact | 09065990265 |
The book is sold for a regular price of 300 naira. VIP price is 500 naira and special price is 1,000 naira. Please make sure you pay the correct amount.
Drop your payment through this MTN number 09065990265 or through this account: 7782217014 Mohammed Hassana, FCMB.
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